Your videos have really helped me last year when deciding to quit alcohol. I'm now over 10 months alcohol-free. Your program was fundamental in preparing myself to make that change, and your videos really inspired me to do so in the first place. (Just watching you having all these great walks around the Spanish countryside, while talking into your camera in a really down-to-earth, wise, and friendly manner, was in itself a great advertisement for an alcohol-free life!)
What I really like about your approach, firstly, is that it doesn't dwell on the negative self-labelling of AA ("I'm an alcoholic" etc.) Personally speaking, I also think that AA just creates a self-fulfilling prophecy and keeps us stuck in addiction rather than liberating us from it.
Secondly, I liked that your method begins with preparation - getting into the right head-space first, and seeing alcohol for what it is... Then it's about making a firm choice: the fact that we can choose differently, and do not need to sit around calling ourselves "alcoholics" in meetings for years and years, is really empowering.
The third thing that I really found beneficial in your method is that being alcohol-free is about living life, and, that contrary to popular belief, life is much, much more enjoyable without alcohol. Inspired by your videos, it really was really crucial for me when quitting the booze to examine my own core values in life too, to make plans and have personal strategies on how to be a better version of myself (e.g. my family are more important than sitting up all night throwing booze down my throat). So, your instance on "being a better version of yourself" in your teachings is really vital.
So, thank you very much Kevin for all your wisdom, encouragement and insight; your program and teachings really does make a big difference in people's lives.
David, Florida