Is Alcohol Addiction Just a Lack of Discipline?
The general narrative around alcohol consumption and its repercussions on individuals is often simplified to a term: "alcoholism." But what if the very foundation of this concept is challenged? What if the center of the matter isn't this insurmountable addiction, but merely a matter of discipline and habit - habits created or habits extinguished?
In this article, I want to deep into a perspective that shows that problems with alcohol are not about a lack of control but about the habits a person cultivates over time.
The Traditional Viewpoint: Alcoholism as a Disease
For decades, the widely accepted theory has been that alcoholism is a disease. Supporters of this perspective assert that those with drinking problems have a distinct predisposition to alcohol that has it's roots in our very genes. And it's this stain on our DNA that makes stopping the flow of alcohol near impossible. Treatment, in this view, often focuses on medical interventions and lifelong treatment.
A Paradigm Shift: The Discipline and Habit Perspective
However, a growing number of experts are questioning this traditional stance. Their perspective? Alcohol-related issues stem more from a series of habituated choices rather than a lack of control. They argue that if one consciously chooses to drink repeatedly in certain situations, over time, this behavior becomes an ingrained habit.
The Power of Habit: Humans are creatures of habit. We love the default behaviour that we can repeat over and over. It makes life easier. Over time, certain behaviors, when repeated, create neural pathways in our brains. So, when you consistently turn to alcohol in specific scenarios — be it stress, celebration, or boredom — your brain begins to associate those situations with the consumption of this toxin.
Discipline as the Counterforce: If these habits are formed through repetition, they can be broken or altered the same way. Discipline, in this perspective, becomes the crucial factor. Instead of being the victim of an uncontrollable addiction, one becomes an active participant in their recovery.
Critics and Skeptics
While this perspective is gaining traction, it's not without its critics. Detractors argue that by framing the problem as one of mere discipline, we risk oversimplifying a complex issue and may unintentionally minimize the struggles of those genuinely battling addiction. However, advocates for the habit-discipline model emphasize that they are not belittling the challenge but empowering individuals with agency and responsibility. Discipline is part of the solution. Other areas include personal reponsibility, 100% commitment, having good reasons for keeing on track once the alcohol flow has stopped.
Conclusion: A Matter of Personal Responsibility?
By reframing the narrative around alcohol from one of inherent addiction to habit formation, we shift the responsibility back to the individual. Every person is responsible for every drop that goes into their mouths. This perspective shows that with the right tools, mindset, and support, anyone can break their alcohol habits if they're committed to doing so. It champions the idea that the power to change lies within each person and that each drinking decision, whether to start or stop, remains firmly in their hands. For most people, stopping the flow of alcohol is not the problem, it's turning off the tap and keeping it firmly closed.